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About the Authors

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Chuck Ehrlich, MS, MBA

Chuck Ehrlich is the organizer of the lipedema study group and a medical writer for Lymph Notes. He has been studying nutrition and lymphedema since 2005. His background includes explaining many complex topics, teaching, and consulting. He received his MS from Case Western Reserve University and his MBA from University of San Francisco.

Emily Iker, MD

Emily Iker understands lymphedema on a personal level as a cancer survivor, lymphedema patient, and medical specialist. She received her MD from St. Georgia’s University and advanced training in physical medicine, rehabilitation and holistic medicine. She specializes in diagnosis, management and treatment of lymphatic disorders at the Lymphedema Center in Santa Monica (www.lymphedemacenter.com).

Karen Louise Herbst, PhD, MD

Karen Herbst is an Associate Professor at University of Arizona and leader of the Treatment, Research and Education of Adipose Tissue (TREAT) Program working to better understand, diagnose, and treat adipose tissue disorders. Her research and clinical practice focus on lymphatic issues, lipedema, and other adipose tissue disorders. She is also an active fat and lymphatic disease advocate, see her blog: www.lipomadoc.org.

Linda-Anne Kahn. CMT, NCTMB, CLT-LANA, CCN

Linda-Anne Kahn is a nationally certified massage therapist and lymphedema therapist with over 30 years of experience. She has certifications as a Manual Lymph Drainage Therapist and Lymphedema Specialist from the Dr. Vodder School in Austria, the Foeldi Clinic in Germany, Drs Judith and John Casley-Smith in Australia, and the Lymphology Association of North America (LANA). She is also a certified Aromatherapist, CIDESCO Beauty Therapist, nutritional consultant, and integrative health coach. She practices at Beauty Kliniek Day Spa and Wellness Center in San Diego (www.pamperyou.com).

Dorothy D. Sears, PhD

Dorothy Sears is an Associate Professor at University of California San Diego with a dual appointment in medicine (endocrinology and metabolism) and public health (preventive medicine). Her research specialties include obesity, diabetes, obesity-related conditions, and dietary and behavior interventions for reducing chronic disease risk. She received her PhD from Johns Hopkins University.

Mandy Kenyon, MS, RD, CSSD

Mandy Kenyon is consulting dietitian and research coordinator for the Salk Institute, Pathway Genomics, Veteran’s Medical Research Foundation, and the Los Angeles County Fire Department. In addition to providing nutrition and fitness counselling, she supports several health-related research programs. She received her MS in food science and nutrition from Colorado State University.

Elizabeth McMahon, PhD

Elizabeth McMahon is a clinical psychologist in private practice and frequent speaker to patient and professional groups. Her other books include Overcoming the Emotional Challenges of Lymphedema and Voices of Lymphedema. She received her PhD from Case Western Reserve University. See www.elizabeth-mcmahon.com.





Adapted from the Lymphedema and Lipedema Nutrition Guide by Chuck Ehrlich, Emily Iker, MD, Karen Louise Herbst, PhD, MD, Linda-Anne Kahn, CMT, CLT-LANA, Dorothy D. Sears, PhD, Mandy Kenyon, MS, RD, CSSD, and Elizabeth McMahon, PhD. ©2015, 2016 by Lymph Notes, all rights reserved.

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Publication: Lymphedema and Lipedema Nutrition Guide
Updated: 2016-07-02


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