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A Special Season

By Ingrid

[ A Special Season ]

The beauty of fall leaves and a large extended family are my favorite reasons for loving to live in New England. (Mud season and black flies are things I could happily do without.)

When I say large extended family I mean the usual multi-generation collection of grandparent, parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. They are loving, laugh a lot, fight sometimes (but never for very long), and we have a major trait in common.

Our collective weight problem gives a whole new meaning to the term “large extended family!” My personal weight (no numbers please), caused me to develop lymphedema in both legs as a comorbidity.

I looked up "comorbidity" because I was afraid it was a “doctor word” meaning that I was dying; however according to a medical dictionary on the Internet, comorbidity means, “Two disease conditions that are present at the same time.” I can handle that!

Despite being convinced that our family has a rampant “fat gene” we signed-up to take part in a community sponsored “Loss It” weight-loss program. It included information about eating better, exercising, and ways to stay motivated. The program, particularly the weigh-ins, has really helped us.

Family gathering are still fun; however they are more active now. Instead of sitting, snacking, and watching TV we are now more likely to be out walking and enjoying the colors of the fall leaves. To my delight the increased exercise and the weight loss are also helping me control the lymphedema swelling!

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Category: Living well with Lymphedema


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